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Teacher Resources

ULTIMATE 'SEA SAVING' LESSON PLANS: Creature Needs & Conservation

Our collection of lesson plans on ocean conservation, marine environment protection, creature needs and the wonderful world of sharks and jellyfish are the perfect tools to support teaching your students. You'll discover three hours worth of pre/post lesson packs or individual ideas and activities to suit your classes. These lessons will encourage students to learn about the variety of creatures and their habitats that they will meet during their educational visit.

9152 Brown Shark 1

The Natural World (Pre/Post Visit) 7-11yrs

Dive deep into a world of underwater discovery...these lessons will support pupils in identifying "creature features", understanding creatures' needs, and exploring ocean, river and even rainforest habitats – making some new, colourful, and incredible friends along the way!



Ocean Conservation (Pre/Post Visit) 7-13yrs

Protecting our World's Oceans... these lessons will encourage pupils to appreciate the importance of protecting our oceans, raise awareness of their own relationship with the ocean and appreciate how their daily actions can positively or negatively affect the marine environment.


Usborne Hero Teacher Resource 742X688

That's not my shark... Activities for EYFS

Inspired by That's not my shark... an Usborne touchy-feely book, immerse young learners in a magical ocean world. Spark curiosity about sharks and sea creatures with these EYFS Framework-linked ideas and activities, designed to make the most of your deep dive into SEA LIFE London


Purple Striped Jellyfish Chrysaora Colorata Monterey Bay Aquarium

The Jellyfish Challenge (Pre-Visit)


Sealife Moon Jellyfish Aurelia Aurita4

Jellyfish Fact File (Post Visit)


Cassiopea Jellyfish

Jellyfish Art (Post Visit)


Spheniscus Demersus Jackass Penguins

World Oceans (Post Visit)


Fish swarm

Where in the World (Post Visit)


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