International Seal Day
- Thursday 21st March 2024
International Seal Day takes place on 22nd March and is a day set to raise awareness about seal conservation around the world. It is also a day for seal lovers to honour these amazing sea mammals.
Did you know?
- Seals can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes
- Seals can dive to depths of over 70 metres
- There are 35 different seal species worldwide, the rarest being the Mediterranean Monk Seal with fewer than 500 individuals remaining.
- Oil from Seal blubber was once used for making soap and paints- thankfully legislation came in to make seal hunting illegal in the UK.
Visit residents and rescue seals at the following attractions:
Help our splashy friends
- If you see a seal pup on the beach, always maintain a safe distance and keep children away and any dogs on leads.
- Never touch a seal or attempt to carry or chase them back to the sea. This can cause stress for the animal and even young seals could be dangerous wild animals.
- A seal on the shore isn’t always cause for concern as it is perfectly normal for them to spend time on beaches out of the water.
- Seals face a host of challenges from both nature and human activity including litter and pollution. Many seals are often rescued caught up in angling gear or have injuries from hitting fishing vessels. Chemicals in the water can also affect their food supply and immune system. Please always take your litter home with you and do not leave it on our beaches.
Many of our sites rescue, rehabilitate and release seals throughout the year.
Take a look at this heartwarming story from one of our rescued seal pups at our partner charity the SEA LIFE TRUST Cornish Seal Sanctuary.

Adopt a Seal!
By purchasing a seal adoption pack, you not only bring a little piece of the ocean into your home, but also support our conservation efforts to protect marine habitats. Your adoption pack helps contribute to the care and welfare of our seals as well as providing support for our SEA LIFE Trust conservation projects locally and around the world.
What’s included?
Your adoption pack includes:
- A voucher for free entry to your local SEA LIFE
- Seal adoption certificate
- Seal fact sheet and information
- Seal sticket pack
- A mini seal plush
- Your name displayed outside the animal enclosure