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Big-belly seahorse

  • SEA LIFE Constance, Tropical Reef

About seahorses

About ten centimeters tall, permanently eating and a big belly - these are our big-belly seahorses! If you look closely, you can see that they snap with their mouth for food particles in the water without interruption - they are permanent eaters.

How do seahorses move?

In order to swim, a seahorse strikes with its dorsal fin between 30 and 70 times per second. Often they also drift with the ocean current. In order not to swim out of place, seahorses hold on with their tail to corals, sea grasses and other vegetation and stones on the seabed. 

Seahorses are always hungry!

A seahorse has to eat 30 to 50 times a day in order not to starve. This is because the food they eat passes through their digestive tract very quickly, so they are constantly hungry. Therefore they are busy eating most of the day and do not swim around much. 

Who carries the babies?

Unlike most animals and sea creatures, seahorses have their babies born by men. Although the female produces the eggs, they are given to the male. Before mating, the seahorses perform a fascinating dance in the sea grass. Before, the pair swims side by side with entangled tails. Until the little seahorses are born, it usually takes only 10 - 12 days. 
