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Dugongs are Not Mermaids (Apparently)

  • Friday 17th January 2014
  • Dugongs

Go to SEA LIFE Sydney underwater tunnel to see Dugong

Five years ago, professional mermaid (yes, it's a real job) Hannah Fraser introduced Sydney to two beloved new residents, Pig and Wuru, a pair of dugongs. Recently as part of the Body of Works exhibition in Darling Harbour, Hannah returned to visit her marine friends and allow the public to snap some amazing photographs as she transformed into a stunning mermaid.

Mermaids are renowned as sirens of the sea with their seductive looks luring sailors to the depths of the ocean as they chase unattainable love. However, what is less well known is that the original mermaid was actually a dugong! Their distinctive tail would flail above the water and then disappear, leading the superstitious sailors to believe that the only possible explanation could be a half woman-half fish out to tempt the delirious seaman.

As Pretty As A Mermaid!

Whilst the truth is that they are mostly placid animals that have stolen the hearts of all who pass through SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium, the twinkle in the eye of Pig and Wuru leads us to believe that they have not forgotten their tempting past! So if you want to see the original mermaids or just gaze upon a unique and fascinating creature, then come visit Pig and Wuru at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium - they would love to see you!

Save on Entry Tickets Now!
