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Turtle Watch

  • Friday 21st December 2012
  • Turtles, Sea Life

Turtle 2

SEA LIFE Conservation Fund has just launched our Turtle Watch website- a tracking site where we can follow the turtles that our aquariums have rescued, rehabilitated and released back into the wild.

Across Australia and New Zealand, all of our SEA LIFE sites are actively involved in rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing injured, stranded or sick turtles. Once the turtles are healthy, they can be tagged and released into the wild.

Globally, sea turtles are threatened, subjected daily to dangers such as fishing nets, plastic pollution, boat strikes, habitat loss and coastal development.

By tagging our animals upon release, we can learn more about what our local turtles are doing, their patterns of movement and perhaps identify hotspots where they run into trouble. Learning as much as we can about turtles that come to us in various conditions, may help us raise awareness in the broader community to the plight of these animals and assist with implementing long term solutions to ensure their survival. 

To date SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium have tagged Crabby, Tracey and Lucy but there are several more scheduled for release in coming months.


Follow our turtles at


