Polar Adventure
Go on a Polar Adventure
Travel to the frozen extremities of the Antarctic and experience life with a colony of Gentoo Penguins. The more the temperature drops, the more amazing discoveries you’ll make in this icy landscape.
You will also get to meet the stars of Polar Adventure - our Gentoo Penguin Colony. Through Polar Adventure, SEA LIFE London is supporting the efforts of the charity Falklands Conservation.
From giant polar bears to an inquisitive orca whale, creatures from the Arctic will be brought to life using amazing state-of-the art Augmented Reality and 3D technology, which is set to take intrepid adventurer’s breath away.
Winter is here!
During the winter months, you will notice that the lights in our penguin zone will be in low light and the penguins may be settling in for a night’s sleep. This is to ensure we closely match the conditions found in the Southern Hemisphere – where Gentoo penguins are found. The variation in light cycles and temperature is designed to encourage their natural seasonal behaviour including a yearly moult, nesting, and breeding. At this time of year, that means the sun sets earlier at Penguin Point.
Please be aware you may not be able to spot our penguins during your visit in the late afternoon sessions.
Who you'll meet here...
Book below to guarantee entry
Book early from
Per adult
On the day
Per adult
- Entry at your chosen 15-minute time slot
- Discover species from around the world in 14 themed zones and interact with them at our public feeding, diving displays and touch pools
Book early & save!
Skip the Door Pricing: Tickets booked online in advance are consistently cheaper than purchasing on the day, so you can enjoy more for less.
Ticket Type Save up to 31% with Advance Booking On the day / Walk-up Adult
From £27.50 £40 Child (2 - 15 years)
From £25 £36 Under 2
Free Free Please note online ticket prices vary depending on available capacity and prices may fluctuate during periods of high demand.
Book early from
Per adult
On the day
Per adult
- Arrive at any time on the day of your choice
Book early & save!
Skip the Door Pricing: Tickets booked online in advance are consistently cheaper than purchasing on the day, so you can enjoy more for less.
Ticket Type Save up to 33% with Advance Booking On the day / Walk-up Adult
From £33.50 - £43 £50 Child (2 - 15 years)
From £30.50 - £35 £42 Under 2
Free Free Please note online ticket prices vary depending on available capacity and prices may fluctuate during periods of high demand.
Book early from
Per adult
On the day
Per adult
- Standard entry at your chosen time slot
- Be transported to the depths of the ocean in this exhilarating, state of the art virtual reality experience