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Pre-booked Tickets

Already have a ticket, voucher or Merlin Annual Pass?

Please select one of the following options

Pre-booking your entry is essential, this includes multi-attraction tickets (booking your visit to additional attractions on your ticket) and anyone with a promotional voucher. For annual pass holders, please follow the annual pass holders pre-book page here.

Who is this for?

  • Access your booking and manage your visit(s) in one place
  • It is essential to reserve a timeslot at your chosen attraction(s) to guarantee entry
  • Please note - without a reserved timeslot, entry will not be permitted

Who is it for?

  • All of our promotions are now redeemable online - even those that state walk-up only
  • Click on the button below and enter the promotional code in the promo box
  • You will receive one ticket per person (including any free one’s) in your order. Double check everyone has their ticket!
  • Please check if you need to bring your voucher with you on the day of your visit (T’s and C’s differ)

Who is this for?

  • If you're the lucky holder of a Merlin Annual Pass you can book your timeslot through the passholder hub
  • All passholders are required to book a timeslot before their visit