- SEA LIFE, Sea Cave Adventure

Clown Trigger Fish
This fish has a beautiful and unique coloration. The ventral surface has large, white spots on a dark background, and its dorsal surface has black spots on yellow.

Orangelined Triggerfish
Also known as the Undulate Triggerfish, these beauties are found throughout the Indo west Pacific area, including the southern Great Barrier Reef. Triggerfish are named for the 'trigger' mechanism of their dorsal spines. When avoiding predation, the main dorsal spine will snap up, and lock in place with a second a 'trigger' spine. Only when the trigger spine is moved can the main dorsal spine be lowered.

Mandarin Fish
The Synchiropus splendidus, or better known as the Mandarin Fish gets it's name from its extremely vivid colouration, evoking the robes of an Imperial Chinese mandarin.

Pufferfish contain tetrodotoxi. To humans, tetrodotoxin is 1200x more deadly than cyanide! They have powerful jaws, with teeth that have been fused to create a strong crushing plate.

Prepare yourself for a trip to Lake Malawi! On display here is a species only found in the freshwaters of Lake Malawi in Africa

Blue Tang
The Blue Tang has royal blue body, yellow tail and black 'palette' design. They can be found throughout the Indo-Pacific.

Longhorn Cowfish
The longhorn cowfish is also called the horned boxfish, its found along all the coasts of the tropical Indo-Pacific. The longhorn cowfish prefer to live in shallow coral lagoons, sea grass or even in estuaries.

Long Spined Porcupine Fish
Also known as spiny porcupinefish and spiny puffer are found in tropical waters and some subtropical and temerate areas. They have the ability to inflate its body by taking water or air into portions of its digestive tract, increasing its diameter size by as much as three times.