- Saturday 10th February 2024
Diving into the whimsical world of Seahorses: 10 fun facts!
Seahorses are unique in appearance and possess a myriad of attributes that set them apart from other marine creatures. Let's dive into the whimsical world of seahorses and uncover 10 intriguing facts about these charismatic creatures.

- Wednesday 31st January 2024
Seasick: Free Underwater Escape this National Sickie Day
SEA LIFE London Aquarium is offering FREE entry to those who dare to call in sick this National Sickie Day (5th February)

- Saturday 20th January 2024
Celebrating Penguin Awareness Day
Every year on January 20th, the world comes together to celebrate Penguin Awareness Day, a special occasion dedicated to raising awareness about our feathered friends! Join us in learning all about penguins, their lifestyle and environment, and how we can help raise awareness and make changes to factors that threaten their existence.

- Wednesday 3rd January 2024
We've dived into our o-FISH-al annual 'count and clean' stocktake
Aquarists at SEA LIFE London Aquarium today dived into its annual creature ‘Count and Clean’ to take stock of its huge array of amazing marine species.

- Friday 22nd December 2023
It's a wonderful SEA LIFE!
Work doesn’t stop at the 11 SEA LIFE centres across the UK over the festive SEAson as the attractions give a behind-the-scenes look at how their creatures are cared for on Christmas Day

- Friday 8th December 2023
VIP Penguin Experience
Get closer than ever to our adorable Gentoo penguins at SEA LIFE London Aquarium. Read more about the VIP experience here & book your ticket today!

- Tuesday 5th December 2023
SEA LIFE London Aquarium Honours Olympic Champion Tom Daley OBE with Adorable Penguin Tribute
SEA LIFE London Aquarium has proudly announced the naming of their newest penguin resident in honour of the remarkable achievements of the inspiring British Olympic diving gold medallist, Tom Daley OBE.

- Wednesday 22nd November 2023
What if there were no coral reefs?
Coral reefs are vital for our planet's health and climate. Let's explore what would happen if the coral reefs died and how you can help protect them!

- Friday 6th October 2023
Bringing Grins to Fins
SEA LIFE London Aquarium appoints the world’s first fish dentist following the arrival of toothsome wolfish duo

- Friday 6th October 2023
Rehabilitated Turtle Travels Nearly 2,000 Miles To Be Released Into The Ocean
After more than a year of rehabilitation at SEA LIFE, Iona the rescued turtle has returned to the ocean