2024 Program Costs
Minimum of 15 students, maximum of 30 students per class group. Maximum group size 180 students.
Pre and post visit supporting resources available.
Guided tour price per student | Monday - Friday - $25.00 |
FREE teacher/adult helper ratio | 1:10 |
Additional adult ticket |
$28.05 |
FREE helper ratio for special needs groups | 1:1 |
*prices including GST

NEW 2024 - 3 Hour Experience
For guided groups that want an opportunity to return for a one-hour self-guided session after their two-hour guided tour. This additional hour, after a lunchbreak outside, allows students to revisit their favourite exhibits in smaller supervised groups and includes the opportunity to visit our 4D cinema showing Happy Feet for just an additional $2 per student.
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Habitats - Years F - 2
Students identify the basic needs of living things and explore several different Australian marine habitats. We will look at the four key variables a habitat needs to support life and observe these in action at our different exhibits.
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Adaptations - Years 3 - 4
Students identify the basic needs of living things and their adaptations for survival. We will explore the Aquarium looking at the ways different marine animals have adapted and survived over time.
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Food Webs and Life Cycles - Years 3 - 4
Students explore the roles different species have in food chains and how humans impact them. Students will observe and discuss life cycles of different marine animals and how they fit into the food web of their environment.
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Extreme Survival - Years 5 - 6
Students are introduced to how animals have adapted for survival in extreme environments in Australia and beyond. They will observe and discuss their observations on the different kinds of marine life they encounter, and how they have adapted to their environment.
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Conservation and Sustainability - Years F - 6
Adapted for each year level, students learn about our marine animals, their habitats, human impact, sustainability, and everyday actions to help to conserve them. Students explore the ways humans can have a positive impact on the environment, taking on the role of marine scientists. Students will dive into the human impacts on the environment and come up with conservation programs that can look after and support marine life.
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Aquarium Experience - F - 12
Students will embark on a guided underwater journey through SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium. With a focus on providing more exploration and question time for your students, this program is perfect for groups visiting as a part of their camp, City experience, those studying English or visiting for the experience rather than a key learning focus. Tour also includes the 4D experience within the two hour tour.
2022 Aquarium Experience Program Costs
- Guided Tour Price Per Student: $22.50
- Free teacher/helper ratio: 1:10
- Additional teacher/helper cost: $28.05
- Free helper ratio for special needs groups: 1:1
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